Call for Articles Magazine

Guidelines for Submission

The Usawa Institute is running a gender equality e-magazine with a strong focus on girls’ and women’s education issues in Africa called “Ruhusiwa”  a Swahili word which means Allowed #GirlsAllowED

We are making a call for volunteer writers from across Africa and the diaspora to contribute with new voices and new perspectives. We are interested in reported pieces, opinion articles, community stories and articles sharing experiences, struggles, advice and successes around girls’ and women’s education from different communities, cultures across the continent


You can submit your story idea (pitch) to the editorial team on the link below, telling us your story idea (pitch), your connection to the topic, what the structure would be and why you think its a good fit for our audience, including a potential headline for the piece. *Do not send a headline over or one line pitch without a detailed description of what you will cover in the article.

We prefer for new writers to first send us a pitch before a full draft. However, if you would like to send us a submission.

Once your pitch is accepted by the Editorial Team you can then submit your written articles in a format that can be read by Microsoft Word.  Feel free to include a small bio and a summation of your expertise. Simultaneous submissions are welcome and encouraged, but if your work is accepted elsewhere, please let us know immediately.

Length of article – 350 words – 900 words

Include three (3) to five (5) headline ideas with each submission

We will try to respond to everyone who reaches out to us with story ideas. Please allow two or three weeks for a response. This time frame will vary with the volume of submissions.

All texts must be submitted in English. Authors not fluent in English should write in their native language and then have the text professionally translated before submitting it. The Magazine reserves the right to make minor copy editing changes to the manuscript. Any major editorial changes will require the author’s approval prior to publication

By submitting, you verify that you are the author of the submitted work and that the Author grants Rights to The Usawa Institute for publication. Rights revert to the author upon publication.

All images included in the submission article are the responsibility of the Author.  It is the Author’s responsibility to ensure that any images used in their submissions do not break international copyright law. Images should be in .jpg or .png format. 

Target Audience – The core target is girls and women in Africa, parents and guardians, community workers, political and religious leaders across Africa who are important in making sure that girls have access to education

Please Note – as the Magazine is free for the readers and we don’t pay for articles submitted by the writer


The author’s written permission to publish both text and images must be received by the editorial office before any manuscript will be edited in preparation for publication.  In cases where an image is copyrighted by a third party, authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions, including online reproduction rights. Any fees required to obtain illustrations or to secure copyright permissions are the responsibility of authors. 

Permission to re-use material published in the Magazine is given to the authors of articles for use in their own publications. Use by third parties generally is not provided without the concurrence of the author. 


Statements of fact and opinion in the articles in the Magazine are those of the respective authors and contributors and not of the editors of the Magazine. No representation, express or implied, is made of the accuracy of the material in the Magazine. The Usawa Institute and The Magazine team cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. The reader should make his or her own evaluation of the accuracy and appropriateness of those materials.

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