Girl Centred Approaches to Climate Change - Africa

USAWA-FLCI Program for Young Women

Girl-Centered Approaches to Climate and Disaster Risk Reduction in Zimbabwe

The climate crisis is a global challenge, but its impacts are felt most acutely by those who have done the least to cause it. This is especially true for girls and young women in Zimbabwe, facing disproportionate challenges from floods, droughts, and extreme weather events. However, they are often left out of the decision-making processes that shape disaster risk reduction (DRR) efforts. This is where the Usawa-FLCI Program steps in, offering a unique opportunity for young women to lead the way in building a more just and sustainable future.

Envision a world where young women are at the forefront of climate action, empowered to lead change in their communities. That’s the vision behind the Usawa-FLCI Program for Young Women.

This transformative program is the result of a strong partnership between The Usawa Institute and the Flames and Lilies Climate Initiative (FLCI) to empower young women to become leading voices for climate change solutions.

Here’s how the Program works:

The program kicks off with a powerful five-day workshop, where participants will:

  • Unpack the Science of Climate Change: Deepen their understanding of climate change and its impact on girls and young women.
  • Build Resilience: Learn about disaster risk reduction strategies and how to implement gender-sensitive approaches.
  • Explore Feminist Advocacy:  Learn how to engage communities and advocate for change through a feminist lens.
  • Become Powerful Advocates: Sharpen their communication and leadership skills to become a force for change.

Beyond the Workshop: The program then enters a dynamic phase of hands-on research and advocacy, culminating in the development of impactful knowledge products. Over two (2) months, participants will:

  • Dive into Research: Lead a mini-research project focused on the intersection of climate change and girls’ education, health, and safety in Harare. They will gain valuable research skills while uncovering solutions for pressing challenges.
  • Co-Create Knowledge Products: Work collaboratively to develop innovative tools like policy briefs, visual story maps, and digital toolkits to inform policymakers and empower communities.
  • Become Leaders in the Community: Use their research findings and knowledge products to advocate for Climate Change and DRR action, contributing to the development of gender-sensitive climate policies and practices.

The Program Dates:

  1. September 24th – 28th, 2024: Immersive Workshop
  2. October 1st – November 22nd, 2024: Hands-on Research and Advocacy


  • Young women  
  • Age: 17 – 25 years old
  • Resident in Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Must have a smartphone or laptop

Application Deadline:

September 19th, 2024

Are you ready to join the movement? Apply Now!

While the program is primarily self-sponsored, we are committed to making it accessible. We have a limited number of partially sponsored seats to support participants who demonstrate a strong commitment to climate action.

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