A Pen And Paper

Pic Credit Pexels


Many have longed, many have feasted over it,

It’s a drink many have enjoyed

But I guess I shall never do.

Not because I have no interest but because the earth deemed me unworthy of it.

It’s the dummies on me that ground me,

That makes me machinery in their eyes,

My cry matters not!

It’s my carrier and his that mastered the role, now competing in a race I will never win

The race of bringing life, no matter the ambitions of my age

The race I detest brings questions to my existence

What’s crucial is my father’s wealth and family!

Sometimes it feels like breathing is a waste, why should I when I am playing someone else’s role choice instead of mine?

All I ask for is wings to fly, a chance to write my name, and my own life story.

I won’t be ruining anyone’s life, I just need a pen and paper, a chance to learn!

By Lintle Makutoane

3 thoughts on “A Pen And Paper”

  1. This is such a beautiful piece a great reminder to count our blessings because truly there still are people yearning for the opportunity that we need to redeem.

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