Agatha Chiseya- The Community Enabler

Agatha Chiseya is a 53-year-old mother of 4. She was born and raised in the high-density suburbs of Mufakose in Harare.
She did a Theology diploma at Harare Theological College in 2013.

It was through Bible school that She realized that her calling was in compassionate ministry and this led her to do evangelism through voluntary services in her home area Mufakose.

In 2014 Agatha started a Mufakose Clean up Network and was awarded the Zimrights’ Zimbabwe Female Environmental Activist of 2015 for spearheading successful monthly clean-ups rehabilitating playgrounds, soccer fields and open fields to become safe and garbage-free spaces. In 2018 She was a finalist for Zimbabwe International Women Awards (UK) in the community champions category and in 2019 She became a founding trustee and board member of Mufakose Community Development Trust, a non-governmental, non-profit making charity organisation.

From 2020 to date She has been the focus person and coordinator of #$1Challenge, an initiative of Mufakose diasporans and local residents to support the elderly and less fortunate residents with food hampers during this Covid 19 pandemic. She is a pioneer and current secretary of the Mufakose Drug abuse taskforce where a group of various stakeholders and residents from Mufakose took it upon themselves to counsel and assist young drug addicts who are wanting to stop substance and drug abuse

Our Plans

Increased youth interest and participation in activities that promote their empowerment and self-sustaining projects.
Zero tolerance to drugs and substance abuse amongst the young people and more of skills developmental programs.

We Need Help With

We need laptops and desktops so that we set up a free WiFi zone for the youth to easily access the digital world.
Indoor sports kits for various sporting activities including chess, table tennis, darts

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