Ruhusiwa Mag

#GirlsAllowed is a gender equality magazine in Africa with a

strong focus On Girls and Womens Education Issues in Africa

Ruhusiwa is a Swahili word meaning “allowed”, We believe girls and women should be allowed to do have access to education.

This #GirlsAllowed magazine discusses issues around gender equality and education for girls & women across Africa, We believe that when African girls and women have more access to basic education they can contribute to the socio-economic development of their nations and continent. The magazine covers stories from across regions of Africa and brings some real-life stories and conversations around girls’ and women’s education from the different regions.

Girls Education Under Emergencies 
Why ICT’s For Girls Education in Africa is Critical 


Every Thursday on our Twitter Spaces we have #RuhusiwaDialogues, Here is the recording of these sessions online

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