WSIS Champions Prize 2023

The Usawa Institute
Bay 14,247 William’s way
Harare, Zimbabwe


The Usawa Institute – Girls Speak Out was selected as one of the 90 global World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Prizes Champions for 2023

31 March 2023- The International Telecommunications Union awarded The Usawa Institute’s -Girls Speak Out as the outstanding youth-led media organization that is contributing towards strengthening the implementation of the world summit on the Information Society (WSIS) outcomes.

Girls Speak Out is the Usawa Institute’s youth-led media initiative that aims to develop media advocacy and coding literacy skills for young women between the ages of 14-24 living in Zimbabwe’s under-served communities through journalism advocacy and code training, combined with civic leadership mentoring, designed to trigger community activism and bring about social change.

The Usawa Institute founder – Mrs. Anoziva Marindire Mutize says this award is a great honour for her and the entire Usawa Institute team. As the Director of the USAWA Institute, “ I am proud to announce that our project, Girls Speak Out, has been selected as one of the 90 global World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Prizes Champions for 2023.

“Our project provides coding, digital media, and advocacy skills training for girls living in impoverished communities in Zimbabwe and Southern Africa. She went on to say, “This recognition is a testament to our commitment to promoting gender equality in the information society and empowering girls through ICT. According to UNESCO, women are underrepresented in STEM fields, including ICT and coding. Our project aims to address this gender gap by providing girls with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in these fields. We will continue to work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable digital future for all”.

Our Project Director Sinikiwe Marodza Receiving the Certificate
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