Our Pillars


Providing hard and soft skills training that enhances women and girls’ economic and social status and improves their employment prospects


We provide a feminist perspective in the national and continental dialogue and effectively advocate against laws, public policies and mindsets that discriminate against women and girls while contributing toward the strengthening of laws that promote gender equality and women/girls” rights


Supporting the development of female-run social-impact businesses and grassroots community based non-profit ventures, helping them to be sustainable and to grow.

Our Programs

Girls Speak Out

A coding, media, and advocacy after-school training program for girls aged 14 to 24 living in high-density, low-income urban communities across Zimbabwe

Power Classes 4 Women (PC4W)

A program is a capacity-building program designed for women running small community-based businesses and organizations

Community Leadership Program

#USAWACLP – a 10-week program whose focus is to deliver a practical and authentic approach to leading and managing sustainable-impact-based non-profit organizations, social impact businesses and community grassroots initiatives

Click Here To Register

Ruhusiwa Magazine

The magazine is meant to table and discuss issues around gender equality and education for girls & women across Africa, barriers of entry and access to education for girls across the continent, gender parity in education, literacy rates for girls across regions and bring some real-life stories and conversations around these issues from the different region



Your time and skills are valuable to us. Volunteer with us and get a whole lot more than what you give. Get in touch with our volunteer team

Make A Donation

Your generosity makes our work possible, whether you contribute financially or as an advocate for good we truly indebted to your hand 

Partner With Us

We believe in collaborations and strategic partnerships are fundamentals to the empowerment of African girls and women

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